
Because God has reached out to the world with arms of love, how then can followers of Christ do anything other than reach out to others with the same love? We reach out with the good news declaring that God’s kingdom and presence is here and has changed us. We reach out to share love with both our verbal witness and in acts of kindness and service.
Racial Reconciliation
All the way back to its founding in the 1960s, members and clergy at St. Anselm’s have been interested and involved in working towards racial reconciliation in the Body of Christ and in the world, as part of our holy call to be reconciled to God and each other in Christ.
We participate with the Diocesan Commission on Racial Reconciliation, the Beloved Community in holding events such as the Walk in Love on April 19th, the Diocese-wide Eucharist in honor of the first Black Episcopal Priest, Absalom Jones, the week of February 13, and other special events.
In June of 2017 a Memorial Marker for the Lynching Victims of Davidson County was placed in our front yard as part of a Memorial Eucharist in partnership with Christian Scholars program of David Lipscomb University and the Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee.
Please see the Diocesan website for more information: http://edtn.org/programs/beloved-community-commission-racial-reconciliation/
Good News of Christ’s Redeeming Work
We seek to build friendships and share Christ with those outside of our church family through events like the Pet Blessing and Summer Vacation Bible School for Kids.
Helping Others
Helping the Elderly at Knowles Home Assisted Living Monthly Mass and Bingo
Our church has developed a long friendship with the residents of the Knowles Assisted Living Center. The fourth Thursday of the month, we provide Holy Communion at 1:15pm and a Bingo party at 6pm. The latter is a means of distributing items to our friends who may not be able to afford, but would appreciate things like slippers and costume jewelry.
Sharing with other through Food Drives and Angel Tree Style Christmas
Twice a year (before Thanksgiving and during Lent) we hold a Food Drive for Second Harvest Food bank. Around Christmas time we provide angel-tree style gifts to the those who need help, Essence Day Spa and even our own church family. A number in our congregation volunteer regularly to prepare Sunday breakfast for the women and children of the Nashville Mission at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Rosa Parks Blvd.
Supporting Various Organizations That Minister to those in need
The St. Anselm’s Community Outreach Committee also distributes funds, supplies or volunteer hours to charitable organizations such as Episcopal Relief and Development, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Nashville, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Food Pantry and Weekly Community Breakfast.
Partnerships with Local Schools
We partner with Head Middle School and Robert Churchwell Elementary in various ways. We collect and donate school supplies and uniforms, offer tutoring support, and help proctor on test days.
Outreach by Parking Lot
Sharing our parking lot with our friends in the Meharry community during office hours is our great joy. Many notice that during business hours St. Anselm’s parking lot is full of cars. During that time, faculty, staff and students of Meharry Medical college, park with us, having given a small donation to the church.
Openings are few and we have a waiting list. If you find yourself towed, please contact Smith’s wrecker service (615-255-7433).