
What our Worship is Like
Our liturgy is designed to inspire us and praise the Living God. The first part of the service includes reading and reflection on the Word of God. And the second part is the celebration of Holy Communion.
Time of Sunday Worship
We begin worship at 10:00AM. All are welcome to join us.
When visiting Sunday Worship St. Anselm’s, park anywhere in the parking lot. The “Reserved Parking” signs apply Monday-Friday.
Entering the Church
Please walk around to the single front red door that says “Entrance”. Then take a left into the narthex. Pick up an Order of Service bulletin on the table or from the usher.
Bringing Your Children to Worship
Children of all ages are welcomed to join in worship at our church. We are used to little ones among us singing and preaching along with the preacher. We provide coloring pages on clipboards with crayons for anyone who likes to color.
“But Jesus called for them and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs”” Luke 18:16