In Person Worship has Resumed
Sunday worship is now taking place in St. Anselm’s sanctuary and nave. It begins at 10:00AM. The worship is the Celebration of Holy Communion.
We recognize certain precautions and concerns about the pandemic continue. It is recommended to follow the guidelines offered by the Center for Disease Control. So, in response to our concern for the health of our members and guests, protocols have been established for attending worship. These protocols follow CDC guidelines and were prepared by health care professionals who are members of St. Anslem’s. These protocols are periodically reviewed.
St. Anselm’s Protocols for In Person Worship
Prior to attending worship
- Perform a self-screening test before attending worship.
- Please answer the following with a yes or no.
- Have you tested positive for COVID or been in close contact with someone who has tested positive in the past 14 days?
- Do you have any of the following symptoms?
- Unexplained cough
- Fever
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of smell or taste
- Chills or shaking chills
- Muscle aches not related to physical exercise or activity
- Sore throat
- Nausea/vomiting
- Unexplained diarrhea
- Unexplained congestion or runny nose
If you responded affirmatively to any of these questions do not attend worship.
Gathering for worship
- A temperature check upon entry into the building.
- Guests are asked the above questions and given a mask if needed.
- Masks are required and will be available at the church.
- Masks are to be worn covering nose and mouth at all times.
- Sanitizers are available throughout the building.
- 3-6 ft. separation is to be maintained except for family members living in the same household.
- Use of the restrooms is limited to one person or family at a time.
- Bulletins and an offering plate are located at the rear of the chapel. Donations are to be placed in the offering plate before walking to a pew.
Order of Worship
- For “Passing the Peace” members remain in their pews and share verbally or with an appropriate gesture with no physical contact.
- Holy Communion
- Distribution of Holy Communion. Members are excused from the pews one at a time maintaining proper spacing to receive the sacraments. There is a station where the officiant will administer the consecrated wafer. The consecrated wine is in individual communion cups for each person to consume. Each member is free to decide on consuming the consecrated wine.
Post worship
- No refreshments served at this time.
- Members and our guests can gather for fellowship in the lounge area wearing masks and maintaining the required spacing. Gathering outside is encouraged but not required.
- The Order of Service bulletins are collected and recycled.